W Chain


How to Add W Chain to MetaMask Wallet

Here’s a step-by-step guide on adding the W Chain network to your MetaMask wallet.

To start using W Chain on your MetaMask wallet, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open MetaMask

Ensure you have the MetaMask browser extension installed.
Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar to open it.

Step 2: Unlock MetaMask

Enter your password to unlock MetaMask. If you don’t have MetaMask installed, click here to
download it and set it up.

Step 3: Open "Networks" Dropdown

Once your MetaMask wallet is open, click on the Network dropdown located at the top (by default, it says
“Ethereum Mainnet”).

Step 4: Click "Add Network"

In the dropdown menu, click Add Network or Custom RPC. This will open a new page for adding network details.

Step 5: Enter W Chain Network Details

Fill in the following details to add W Chain:

Field Value
Network Name WadzChain Testnet
RPC URL https://rpc-testnet.wadzchain.io
Chain ID 71117
Currency Symbol WCO
Block Explorer https://scan-testnet.wadzchain.io

Step 6: Save Network

After entering the details, click Save.
You’ll now see W Chain listed as one of your networks, and you can switch to it anytime by selecting it from the Network dropdown.

Step 7: Start Using W Chain

You're all set! Now you can send, receive, or manage your Demo WTK Token directly from MetaMask.

Step 8: Test the Network Using the Faucet

You can get demo WTK tokens by using our Test Faucets link. Use these tokens to try out the W Chain testnet.

Step 9: View Transactions on the Block Explorer

To track your transactions, visit the W Chain Block Explorer. Enter your wallet address or transaction ID to view details.