W Chain
Here’s a step-by-step guide on adding the W Chain network to your MetaMask wallet.
Ensure you have the MetaMask browser extension installed. Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar to open it.
Enter your password to unlock MetaMask. If you don’t have MetaMask installed, click here todownload it and set it up.
Once your MetaMask wallet is open, click on the Network dropdown located at the top (by default, it says “Ethereum Mainnet”).
In the dropdown menu, click Add Network or Custom RPC. This will open a new page for adding network details.
Fill in the following details to add W Chain:
After entering the details, click Save. You’ll now see W Chain listed as one of your networks, and you can switch to it anytime by selecting it from the Network dropdown.
You're all set! Now you can send, receive, or manage your Demo WTK Token directly from MetaMask.
You can get demo WTK tokens by using our Test Faucets link. Use these tokens to try out the W Chain testnet.
To track your transactions, visit the W Chain Block Explorer. Enter your wallet address or transaction ID to view details.